Ready to transform your life?

Perhaps you've used spirituality as a way to improve your wellbeing, enhance your life and manage your anxiety? Some folks dabble a bit here and there. Perhaps you have too?

If you’re like most women who keep getting in their own way with fear leading their lives, you’ve probably read some self-help books or tried meditating. That may have helped a bit. And yet, without...

  • Being consistent

  • Any accountability

  • Shifting your mindset and energies

  • Taking clear, aligned, powerful actions

Caroline James. Spiritual Entrepreneur for Women. She Can Shine. Level up your Life. Self-Development Course.

You likely feel stuck.

Not changing. Not expanding. Not earning more.

Feeling SO frustrated and overwhelmed.

You know what I’m talking about right?

Perhaps you’re feeling shame and guilt that you’re not where you hoped to be in life right now.

You want to have everything figured out so badly.

And it’s not that you haven’t tried.

Yet your critical voice is always going round and round. You're always comparing and obsessing over details in your head; never feeling that you are enough and have enough time.

You're always desiring more. Wealth. Fulfilment. Joy. Peace.

But what if I told you it doesn't have to be this way anymore?

That it's absolutely possible for you to create, attract, and live the most extraordinary life you ever could imagine?

Caroline James. Spiritual Entrepreneur for Women. She Can Shine. Level up your Life. Self-Development Course.

Hey, Caroline James here.

A soul work and wellbeing coach who has helped many women transform their lives to be richly abundant, aligned and awesome!

A few years ago, I began a spiritual journey of self-discovery myself. Since then I've gone on to build a lifestyle business inspiring and supporting women to live their best lives too.

Yet it wasn't always this way. Life felt hard.

I’d spend endless weeks and months and years, in fact, trying to keep all my plates spinning, taking on more and more, with a growing sense of desperation and dread. Falsely feeling as though the harder I worked, the more I'd eventually be rewarded.

Then over several years I endured social anxiety and panic attacks. I experienced miscarriages, a divorce, infertility then breast cancer.

Overwhelm and Burnout Hit

It was a lot. Yet somewhere in all that I completed my degree to qualify as a counsellor and then a coach, which was amazing.

Yet I struggled with my identity. My sense of self. I didn't recognise the person I'd become; physically and emotionally. I wanted to retreat from life. From my friends and family. I worried about money and my health A LOT.

Yet gradually, I learnt how to transform myself through these painful experiences.


Predominantly, by discovering the power of spirituality. I realised the power I have within me. I became aware of the choices I have. That in slowing down, getting clear on my purpose in life, and balancing my feminine and masculine energies, I can be more.

That my superpower is simply being me and that trusting my intuition and listening to my soul is when the magic happens.

So I combined counselling, coaching and spirituality to create She Can Shine™ and began living my most fulfilled and rich life.

Ready for Change

Let's be honest. You're reading this for a reason. You want transformative change in your life. You want more.

And deep down you know that those changes can't happen if you don't take action.

You know it's possible to turn your dreams into reality, to love yourself unconditionally and become the best version of yourself.

You hold the power to make these changes but the 'knowing how to get there' part keeps you stuck.

Get excited because right now, you've the chance to get the roadmap that shows you exactly how to get unstuck and make it all happen for yourself with no stress and in way less time than it took me.

I'm excited to be able to introduce you to my Level up your Life self-study course...

Caroline James. Spiritual Entrepreneur for Women. She Can Shine. Level up your Life. Self-Development Course.

It's a step-by-step blueprint that shows you exactly what you need to do to eliminate self-doubt and unlock your potential. It shows you how to change feeling anxious and frustrated to start living intentionally to create a life you love...

Caroline James. Spiritual Entrepreneur for Women. She Can Shine. Level up your Life. Self-Development Course. Road Map.

Module One :

We'll use a proven clinical tool to look at your emotional needs. We'll look at what emotions really are and why we have them. I’ll show you ways of being with your emotions that is empowering to help you feel more in control of your desires and negative emotions. Plus the one word which will really help you to reframe negative thinking and overwhelm.

Module Two :

This is where we look at what your life looks like holistically right now. Using trusted techniques to explore all areas of your life. Then you'll learn all about anxiety and a tested model for managing your anxious thoughts. You’ll discover a quick and easy way to instantly reduce anxiety and increase calm. And we'll cover beliefs that you need for transformations to happen in your life!

Module Three :

Now we get to focus on where you want to be. You'll discover some magic questions to guide you. You’ll be amazed at what your brain is already trying to do for you in attracting your dream life and how you can tune into it. And you’ll learn the one thing you should NEVER do if you want to live a life of your dreams!

Module Four :

Here you'll set your intentions in a powerful way. You'll discover your values and ways to shift your mindset for positive change. You’ll find out why the things you’ve been doing all this time are actually getting in the way of your desired results – and what you need to do instead.

Module Five :

We'll identify the blocks that are getting in your way and how to release them. You’ll find out why most people struggle to feel more fulfilled and how to avoid this so you can get better results in your life.

Module Six :

I'll show you the best spiritual practices that you can bring into your life for transformation. You’ll discover a surprising way to feel at peace – this is so easy, you’ll wish you'd known about this years ago! Are you short on time? Then you’re going to love these practices as you can benefit from them in as little as 15 minutes a day! And the best part about these practices - you can never get them wrong!

Module Seven :

You'll now be ready to bring everything together and create your own unique plan for putting all you've learnt into creating that life you truly love. A beautiful ready-to-complete workbook awaits you. We'll go through it together and have you feeling confident in your next steps and beyond in no time!

Caroline James. Spiritual Entrepreneur for Women. She Can Shine. Level up your Life. Self-Development Course.

The Level Up Your Life Course gives you everything you need to live a more intentional, inspiring life!

The bottom line here is that you’re getting a GREAT deal.

And to sweeten the pot even more, I’m going to throw in these SEVEN juicy bonuses...

  • Self Love Journal

  • Miracle Morning Script

  • Powerful Journaling Prompts

  • Imposter Syndrome Meditation

  • Self-Confidence Meditation

  • Limiting Beliefs Workbook

  • The Digital Life Organiser

So, at this point, you’re liking what you see. You know Level Up Your Life will create life changing results for you.

But you have a question – how much is it?

You may be starting to wonder if a course that can deliver all of this magic is going to be expensive. And who can blame you? That kind of transformation should be right?

And even though I could easily charge well into 4 figures for this course and it would be totally worth it...I’m not actually going to do that.

Simply because I believe what I'm offering has the power to change lives and I want as many women as possible to be able to access it.

Right now, you can get the entire 'Level up your Life Course' along with the seven cool bonuses, for just a one-time, single, secure payment of only...


Click the ‘Enrol Now’ button below and get started today.

It's an investment in YOU for a better life that will pay for itself as soon as you start to see real results faster than you ever dreamed possible.

So if you’re ready, just go ahead... click the ‘Enrol Now’ button below below and take advantage of this very special offer.

Ok. So you've got this far. And you haven't clicked to enrol just yet.

Here's some common FAQs that might help you shift energies and take action...

  • How long does it take to go through the training material?

Each module is divided into bite size videos no longer than 15 minutes each. Allowing about a week for each module will give you time to reflect, make notes and embody the learnings.

  • Do I need to show up anywhere live?

Nope! The course is designed for you to go at your own pace, in your own space and time.

  • How long will it take to get access to Level Up Your Life Course?

The access to the course is instant upon enrolling. You get lifetime access. And you get any updates for FREE too!

  • Whose is Level Up Your Life for?

It's designed especially for women who want more out of their lives but have struggled up to now to know all the hows, whys and whens. If anxious thoughts keep getting in your way, if you're ready to upgrade your life in so many ways and believe in yourself then this course is for you!

  • What makes Level Up Your Life different from other similar courses?

As with all my She Can Shine™ creations, I've poured my heart and soul into this course. I have lived experience of anxiety as well as my professional experience with years of working as a counsellor and coach. The spiritual practices in this course changed my life and I've personally worked through this course as my own student! It helped me become the flying high solo-fempreneur I am today. I truly believe you will be transformed too if you enrol in this course and put the work in! And remember, I am only ever an email away for support.

Trusted by many

Let me help you too!


"What a fantastic course. With so much out there now, it was hard to make a decision to be honest but once I did, I knew straight away I'd made the right choice. Caroline is so genuine and her desire to change lives is clear. I loved working through the modules and feeling the changes. I loved bringing in the practices and her way of making me see the block to embracing them was overwhelm. When I brought in things bit by bit, my confidence grew and now I feel SO much better about me and my life."


"I was really ready to make some changes to my life and what's offered in this course really spoke to me. I committed to the whole experience and couldn't be more pleased. I love the plan I created for myself at the end based on everything I'd learnt in the course. I am seeing my whole life differently now and so many cool things have happened. I got a promotion, my relationship is better. I FEEL happier!"


"I just have a different perspective on myself right now. As though the clouds have lifted and I see how much I actually get to choose in my life. I understand myself so much better. I LOVE my plan and am really sticking to it. I really enjoy my practices - I chose the ones I really enjoy and that's how I know I will stick with them. I feel lighter! I am feeling more at peace. Thanks Caroline."